Are you thinking about selling a house yourself? Will it be the best decision for your life right now to sell your house in Phoenix, Arizona? What are the pros and cons of selling your house? What could you stand to gain from selling your home for cash to reputable cash home buyers?
If you’ve asked yourself any of those questions, and want answers, read on. It’s time to think of making a big decision about your wellbeing. It all starts with your home.
Growing up, you must have thought that for a perfect life, you’d need a perfect home. You’d put it in your plans to own a house, and you must have dreamed of its size and appearance. Like everyone else, you must have thought that ownership of a house was an undisputed sign of material wealth and financial security. It must have driven your aspiration to live a life of high quality in Phoenix, Arizona. Having your own house translated to success and prosperity.
But nowadays, this isn’t the case. Admittedly, keeping a house isn’t as easy as we all think. In numerous ways, it’s exhausting and worrisome. Even if you own your dream home, by default it comes with many obligations. You’ll be worrying about the day-to-day costs of preserving it, such as cleaning, maintaining, and upgrading it when necessary. Then there are property taxes and your mortgage to look after.
Other parts of your life may have also factored in. Is your house the right size for your current family? Is it too small, or too big? Your family will either grow bigger or branch off. You may be expecting new children, or children may have grown up and made out on their own. Either way, the space in your house dictates your family’s current way of life. Soon enough, it will immediately affect their future.
Second, is your house in an inconvenient location for you? Do you find it too far from your job, school, or hospital? The location of your house definitely dictates your mobility. The distance may be an issue when you’re driving or commuting across where you need to go in Phoenix. Your house’s location may have gotten in the way of staying in your workplaces or your children’s schools without a steep cost.
Conversely, your house may also be an impediment to moving on. If you wanted to relocate your daily activities to different places, your house might be what’s stopping you. You may need a change of scenery from your current neighborhood. Or, your house may have unique baggage attached to it. Maybe you’re holding on tooth and nail to your mortgage payment. Maybe the house is difficult to stay in because you are in the middle of dealing with death or divorce.
All of these reasons have value. However, all of them cost money to pursue. To be able to really live life the way you need to in Phoenix, Arizona, you’ll need cash, convenience, and a wide range of opportunities.
What Do You Have To Lose? Get Started Now...
We buy houses in ANY CONDITION in Arizona. There are no commissions or fees and no obligation whatsoever. Start below by giving us a bit of information about your property or call 480-680-8927...Of course, being a homeowner is difficult. But the very personal decision of selling your house is not an easy one, either. Coming into it, you’ll have your own fears. But should you really risk losing your home to the bank, to your debtors, the government, or your homeowner’s association?
It may be daunting at first, but consider what will happen if you sell your house by yourself.
Pros Of Selling A Home By Yourself
Before you make the big decision, weigh the pros and the cons. Be sure about how practical and beneficial a solution it will be.
Here’s a checklist of the pros of selling your house by yourself:
1. The decision of selling is a good one for you overall. Remember the right reasons to sell a house: comfort, convenience, opportunity. The biggest tradeoff of selling your house by yourself is taking full charge of these needs being met.
2. You’ll have control over the sale. If you’re the one spearheading the sale, you’re the one who’ll maneuver the decisions behind it, from the logistics to the finances. That control is important for an asset that is so personal to you.
3. You’ll save on maintenance. Your day-to-day living will be freer. You’ll have less time to worry about the house’s upkeep, and more time to focus on your daily habits.
4. You’ll save on repairs. When the house is out of your hands, you won’t have to worry about doing repairs. The costs of repairing plumbing and ventilation, fixing accumulated damage to your house, and exterminating pests will lessen as you go on.
5. You’ll shed uncertainties about your mortgage, and the risk of foreclosure. The fear of foreclosure is very real. You wouldn’t wish anyone the shame and stress of being evicted from their house and having the bank take control of it. When you sell your house, you’ll be able to fund your mortgage balance and leave on a clean note.
6. You’ll rid yourself of financial headaches. On top of balancing your daily expenses, you won’t have to worry about property tax, coughing up monthly fees to your homeowner’s association, and the like.
7. You’ll be motivated to face other problems, such as tenants. Are you renting out a house as well as living in one? Are you renting out just for the sake of it? Is the regular income you were hoping to generate not enough for you? Selling your house will help you confront all issues related to others, namely your tenants.
8. You’ll be mobile logistically. From the stages of selling to moving out, you’ll eventually be able to move around a lot more. You’ll be less rooted to your house, and you won’t waste any more time or resources because you’re rooted to its location.
9. You’ll be flexible financially. Once you get your house sold, you can obtain more cash and eventually improve on things like your credit. The large chunk of personal and professional finances your house ate up will recover. You’ll be able to manage your funds more freely.
10. You’ll open yourself up to more opportunities. Your identity, your safety, and stability won’t be bogged down by your house. This could possibly open more doors for you in getting a new career, or having better choices for health services and education. Phoenix will be a land of opportunities once more.
Cons Of Selling A Home By Yourself
Of course, selling your home by yourself won’t be all sunshine and daisies. You’ll have to consider the opportunity cost of both owning and selling a home. Here are some cons to think about when going through the process of selling your house by yourself:
1. You’ll need to let go of any attachments you have to it. Your house will be full of good memories, and you might not be able to imagine a new daily routine without it. You’ll need to walk yourself through the process of letting go. This is not an easy decision to begin with, and you should accept that. Ask yourself: even if it’s not easy, is it the right thing to do? Make sure you have a good answer.
2. You’re selling an asset. You might have held on to the fact that property doesn’t depreciate. The longer you hold on, the more valuable it might be in the housing market in the future. You may have also wanted to hand the house down to a future generation. If you sell your house, they won’t inherit the asset.
3. You won’t make as much money as the house was originally worth. Let’s be realistic: if you’re at the point of selling your home because you don’t feel it’s worth it, its value to other people may also start off low. Anticipate the price difference from how much you paid for your home to how much you will sell it for.
4. You’ll need to list your home and look for a network in Phoenix. Selling your house entails letting people know that it’s available. Listing and advertising your house may take quite a while. It might be scary and tiring to scout out potential buyers. Of course, you can avoid this if you sell directly for cash.
5. Among these buyers, there are cheaters and flakes. Not everyone will have the best intentions when they step forward to buy your home. Some buyers might dictate a ridiculously low price and cheat you out of the house’s innate value. Others might flake on their decision to buy, leaving you to start from scratch all over again. These are the pros and cons. With both in mind, do you want to sell your house by yourself? And what are the best options to do so?
Luckily, there’s an alternative to traditional advertising, or depending on real estate agents. There is also the option of approaching cash home buyers in Arizona.
Who Are Cash Home Buyers In Phoenix?
Cash home buyers in Arizona are business people who’ll transact with you in turning your house into fast cash. It’s a sensible option and one that’s now becoming more popular in the city and the state. A number of the cons of selling your house can be avoided with the right approach and the right people. To address any trouble that you have about listing, pricing, and cheaters and flakes, turn to the best cash home buyers.
Cash for Homes Arizona is the number one cash home buyer in the state. We buy homes in Arizona and give sellers the highest cash offer. As cash home buyers, we are a team of seasoned real estate investors and professionals. We have wide experience in dealing with all things real estate oriented, and we have the numbers to back the company up. That is the foundation of Cash for Homes Arizona.
We’re some of the best in the industry because we offer you honest deals. We’ll walk you through how to sell your house by yourself, and obtain fast cash for it. These are the steps:
1. Contact us about your intention to sell your house. Leave us a call or reach us through our website. Our competent staff will respond to you in 24-48 hours.
2. Schedule a free, no-obligation appraisal. We’ll come over to your house, and in as little as seven days, we’ll make you an offer.
3. Close the deal, at zero additional cost. If you accept our offer, you’ll walk away with cash, and you won’t have to wait for months to do so.
And just like that, congratulations! You’ll have started on the path to selling your house by yourself.
Benefits Of Selling Your Home For Cash In Phoenix, Arizona
To summarize, you can count the benefits of selling your home for cash in Arizona. Ultimately, you’ll be able to achieve the following things:
1. You’ll sell your home faster. Instead of waiting for months, you’ll be able to sell your house right away and obtain the immediate profit.
2. You’ll close a definite sale, not dealing with cheaters or flakes. Make no allowance to do business with the wrong sort of people! Have a firm foot on your sale and get cash from a cash home buyer you trust.
3. You won’t deal with middlemen. You won’t need to pay extra for real estate agents. You’ll deal with the transaction with Cash for Homes Arizona’s experienced team right away.
4. You’ll get a free, fair appraisal. Instead of paying for inspections or allotting time or money for strangers to visit, we’ll come to your aid. We’ll seal the deal right away, at no additional cost to you.
5. You could stop your foreclosure. Even if you’re behind on your payments and have immediate fears of being evicted, it won’t be in our way. We’ll buy your house for cash even if your foreclosure is a looming possibility.
What Do You Have To Lose? Get Started Now...
We buy houses in ANY CONDITION in Arizona. There are no commissions or fees and no obligation whatsoever. Start below by giving us a bit of information about your property or call 480-680-8927...6. You’ll get liquid cash. Cash is king for a reason. The immediate money will keep your finances liquid, and you’ll be able to pay for any additional expenses quickly and without worry.
7. It’s hassle-free. There’s no need to pay for advertising, extend yourself to a very wide network of home buyers, or seek assistance from other companies. Just contact us, and you’ll have done your part. We’ll get started on the legwork right away!
8. You’ll be able to move out and clean up fast. We’ll take your house as-is—you can move out and leave anything you need to. We’ll even take care of external problems such as repairs and pest extermination. There’s no need to spend extra cash on that, and you’ll gain some in the process too!
9. You’ll have funds to set away for the future. Cash will be a quick and solid start to your savings. Take our offer not just to pay for the mortgage or remaining expenses. Use these new funds to save and invest.
10. You’ll be able to move on with your life. Whether that necessitates moving to a new neighborhood, getting a new job, or ridding yourself of the personal package, you’ll take a big step forward.
Wherever you go, any house can be a home. Take advantage of that freedom. Sell your current house for cash and find a new home in the way that’s best for you!